

By viewing and clicking this website you are automatically agreeing to all of these disclaimers.

Christian Jacques Bennett (CJB) cannot be held responsible for any thoughts and or actions you might take as a result of anything you have been in contact with via any medium CJB uses, including this website. You must always seek advice for anything you do after interacting with any of CJB's art and all other medium he produces anywhere. You are responsible for your own destiny and must always take precautions to protect yourself. If you have any concern that you may be negatively affected by CJB then you must stop any interaction with anything he puts his name and brand to. All content is for entertainment purposes and should never be regarded as advice. You have been warned.

Where third parties are involved their terms and conditions will apply and CJB will not be responsible for the products and or services they provide.

All offers are subject to change at the discretion of CJB at any time. Terms & conditions always apply and you must always contact CJB if you would like written clarity in a particular area.

All artwork is not allowed to be copied and or redistributed in a manner which will negatively impact the CJB brand. All artwork and downloads are always intended for personal single use only and authorization is not permitted to copy and distribute this work via any medium. You cannot use any CJB art for commercial purposes without legal consent from CJB. If you are unsure please contact the CJB team.

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PRINTS: For all artwork owners, please note that the artwork you purchase has been specifically created to be exactly as it looks when you receive it (this look and feel does not apply to any artwork that is obviously damaged in transit and seen / reported immediately on delivery). The artwork you receive may look subtly different due to a range of factors. For example, the lighting in a room and of a display screen will effect an images real life appearance. The real life look and feel compared to the online view can be very different. It is important that purchasers do not expect the artwork to always be like a standard 100% perfect photo print. The artwork you receive will be unique and is a one off authenticated (by CJB) print and therefore every aspect has been selected to look and feel as it should (according to the final packaging and presentation chosen by CJB). Buyers should be aware that the final look and feel may include larger pixels, blurred areas, a specific frame type etc. All art is also packaged and sent directly from the manufacturer CJB has hand picked due to their professional approach and superior quality of end product. To prove that a print is an original and the only one of its type in existence that has been created and authenticated by CJB, a separate authentication process is made via the transfer of an NFT after the physical artwork has been received. The NFT will also be a one off digital copy of the exact same artwork and sent electronically to the new owner. To confirm, the NFT will be the only one ever issued unless stated otherwise prior to the purchase. Important note, due to the nature of each art creation and transfer once an artwork is purchased returns and refunds cannot be made. It must also be noted that CJB reserves the right after any purchase and transfer of ownership of a print and NFT to continue to use the exact same image in all other merchandise type mediums. For example greetings cards may continue to be sold using the same image you have purchased in a print. To be clear, there will never ever be another framed print sold and or sent (from CJB) to any other person using the same image unless otherwise stated prior to sale or the owner gives their permission to do so. Please note any devaluing of a print would prove detrimental to any other artwork being sold and therefore it is never going to be in the interest of CJB to do anything that would jeopardize the value of any sold artwork. Therefore, the image will only ever be used for lesser value items and those that will ultimately only act to enhance the value and fame of the original and first ever print you have purchased in the same way memorabilia (books and postcards) used by art galleries to display the Mona Lisa and other famous artworks do not detract from the authenticated one original in existence. Printed materials, press and media may also use the image at the discretion of CJB (other mediums not stated here may also apply).

NB: All sales will be placed through the UK registered Limited company named: ChristianJBennett Ltd.

You have been hereby notified of these disclaimers.

If you have any queries please email CJB via the contact form.

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