Hidden Child

Muskavinci X

Hidden Child

Muskavinci X
🟢 £45,000 View Details ▶️ | Contact CJB 

27 March 2024

CJB Notes: Yesterday I produced this artwork. What I love about art is you have no boss. Nobody tells you what to do. There are no rules. Just be creative. Do what you want. If the world likes what you do, great, if they don't, too bad for them. I love it when an idea taps me on the shoulder and says, "Do this change" with an artwork. Today that tap on my shoulder brought me to merging a girl with the artwork from yesterday. I feel it. It calls to me. It represents that hidden child in us. The one who wants to play. The one who has been told off. The one who is shy. The innocence. I love how the colours mock her image and also encourage her. Perhaps you see something different. So be it. My aim is to explore digital art and open other minds to a new way of seeing and thinking.

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