Muskavinci X

Muskavinci X

Muskavinci X

Muskavinci X
🟢 £185,000 View Details ▶️ | Contact CJB 

8 Nov 2023

CJB Notes: Another brilliant time making this. A lot of pain with editing and trying things again and again until the final artwork was born. This artwork was inspired by Elon Musk's new brand "X" which took over Twitter. The original design then grew into incorporating the Vitruvian Man which the artist and scientist Leonardo Da Vinci created. I love how the Vitruvian Man and the X logo merge perfectly. I love how you have to look hard to find the outline of the man too. I love how the X stands out more the further away from the painting you stand (and the man stands out more the closer you stand). I also want to add that I was a big Twitter fan and I was gutted when Musk took it over and destroyed it... however I listened to this WILD conversation on YouTube and I started to see a good side to Elon. He warmed me to his vision for X and that in turn led me to create this artwork focusing on the more positive side to the X brand. Hope you like it.

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