Womans Work

Womans Work

Woman's Work

Womans Work
🟢 £35,000 View Details ▶️ | Contact CJB 

8 Nov 2023

CJB Notes: This artwork has been totally inspired by the music and lyrics of the Kate Bush single, "This Woman's Work". It all started one dark Sunday evening. As usual I was soul searching. I put on a music playlist and this song came up. As I listened to lyrics they seemed to lift me up and carry me to such emotive places. I simply had to capture the feelings invoked by the song into an artwork. I used the lyrics to generate something with AI (I should be crying but I just can't let it show + I should be hoping but I can't stop thinking) and then began hour after hour searching for the right image. All the time I kept listening to the song on loop so I stayed utterly in tune with the emotions it was flooding me with. I finally found an image and from that I began to change and adjust and just kept going until the image mirrored what I was feeling. To get the most out of this print you must look at it with the single playing on repeat - if you are lucky you will feel such emotional power that you will almost merge with the image of the woman. Such an amazing journey with this one and it makes me want to say, to all women, I love you, thank you, you are amazing and I appreciate everything you have to go through and deal with.

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