Vin Gogh Haze

Vin Gogh Haze

Vin Gogh Haze

Vin Gogh Haze
🟢 £165,000 View Details ▶️ | Contact CJB 

8 Nov 2023

CJB Notes: This artwork is the first of my Haze Collection. I absolutely love the colours and how they have turned out. Hour after hour, day after day, week after week - sometimes it can even take months - of editing, tweaking, manipulating - ever in search for what my subconsious mind is seeking. And then that moment it all comes together and I feel my heart pound. This piece started off as an AI version of Vin Gogh, clearly drawn with all features defined and clear. It has merged into a haze of wonder. I hope you feel the energy it emits. I hope you love it as much as I do. Thank you for taking the time to look.

PS: Those of you who are astute may notice something different about this art piece. Yes, I have used a different signature style. More subtle and hardly visible.

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