The Creek

The Creek

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Between the bosom of the hills, where dancing shadows fall,
And water whispers secrets revealing truths to one and all,
There hides timeless tales of a land well travelled,
In an endless creek of silver thread unraveled.

I remember the first time I saw it flow,
I knelt beside it and watched it glow,
A youth with wonder in my eyes.
Twas a mirror to the endless skies.

The creek has witnessed much, I'm sure,
Its waters murmur, wild currents lure.
From birth to death, from love to loss.
Ancient tales saturate glistening moss.

The creek is a constant, a steadfast friend,
Its waters flow, and they never end. 
A witness to the changing years. 
A reminder of life's endless tears. 

But the creek is also a place of joy,
Where lovers stroll and the breeze doth toy.
Where children play and laughter rings.
Upon willow leaves and butterfly wings.

So let us celebrate the creek, this gem,
With its trickling flow, its loud anthem.
A hidden treasure snaking around each hill.
Showing endless love that shall always fill.

11 Nov 2023

CJB Notes: This artwork (the print and the poem) were inspired by the vss365 poetry prompt. AI generated a base image in direct response to the poem. I take the image and play with it until I find the look and feel my soul agrees with. This time around though something fascinating happened. I played around with the first image and after roughly 12 hours of solid manual editing and rejigging I just could not make the artwork I wanted. I ended up deleting what I had spent a day doing. The next day I tried again with a different AI text to image generator and it came up with an image I was again not happy with... BUT... I took that image and played around with it and got to a point where I merged the image I deleted the day before with the new one and the instant they came together it felt right. It was the image I had been looking for all along. I find it so strange that it was only by merging two images that I did not like too much, I finally found what I was looking for. It makes you wonder in life what that logic also applies to?

Bonus Artwork:

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