


Silence, oh silence, so vast and deep,
A cloak that wraps the world in sleep.
In stillness, I can hear your breath,
A heartbeat of the universe, till death.

Your gentle touch, it calms my soul,
And makes my weary mind feel whole.
In silence, I can find my peace,
And let my worries all release.

I hear the whisper of the wind,
The rustling leaves, the birdsong dimmed.
As sounds reduce, the world grows clear,
In silence, I can hold you near.

Oh silence, you're a gift so rare,
A moment's pause, a time to share.
With you, I can truly start to be,
A soul in perfect harmony.

11 Nov 2023

CJB Notes: This artwork (the print and the poem) were inspired by the vss365 poetry prompt. AI generated a base image of someone alone in the woods in direct response to the poem. I played with the image until I found the look and feel I wanted. I hope you enjoy getting lost in both the poem and the print as much as I do. 

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