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A flash in the sky - 
Thunder claps through darkened clouds - 
Lightning scars the ground.

11 Nov 2023

CJB Notes: This artwork (the print and the Haiku poem) was inspired by the vss365 poetry prompt. AI generated a base image in direct response to the exact poem's wording. I then took the image and played with it until I found the look and feel my soul agreed with. Every artwork is starting to feel like a wonderful Alice in Wonderland type journey of discovery. I am trying new digital tools and techniques and am finding it all incredibly cathartic. I absolutely love how new colours, lines and shapes can appear all of a sudden when I apply an edit or tweak. I am also now emerging myself in the subject matter when I design, so in this case I played a soundtrack of thunder and lightning to totally immerse myself in the feeling and I constantly fed that back into the image. My artwork always tries to give you an experience by offering you a different angle to what is expected. I hope you enjoy what you see. Thank you for your time.

Bonus Artwork:

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