Abstract Saturday

Abstract Saturday

Abstract Saturday

Abstract Saturday
🟢 £185,000 View Details ▶️ | Contact CJB 

8 Nov 2023

CJB Notes: Wow! This is why I LOVE art. My mind is so overactive that art helps me control my attention and it allows me to be me. That may sound strange and it probably is depending on your point of view. For me art allows my mind to wonder to beneficial effect, whereas if my mind starts to wonder when I am trying to focus on an examination it has the opposite effect. That is why I hate exams - but that is another story! Back to this artwork. It was a very rainy Saturday, no chance of getting outside, a perfect moment to dive into this artwork. Those who love art may see some influences. I started off with a touch of Miro followed by my own manipulation using various digital tools. I then got to a point I couldn't see if this design was going to ever feel right. As I have said before, my subconscious brain will know what I am looking for when I see it, my conscious mind does not. And then it happened. My nan used to have a Lowry painting and I could suddenly see a bit of Lowry was needed. After a bit of secret magic I was able to get the exact look and feel I was after. I love it. I want it. I hope you do too.

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