There's Room For Everyone

There’s Room For Everyone!

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Roll up! Roll up! This is a message for all of us.
Don’t let dreams die! No! Get on the happiness bus.
It will take us where life is rewarding and fun.
Now is our time and there’s room for everyone!

What is that? Did someone say they’re feeling unwell?
Stop that mental BS - This time negativity can go to hell!
We are unstoppable so let’s take our souls for a run.
Let ourselves feel free knowing there’s room for everyone!

That’s it! Keep smiling. Now’s the time to follow our dreams.
It really is this easy. Everything is never what it seems.
Take a look around at all the things we’re getting done 
Heaven’s a place on earth where there’s room for everyone!

25-31 Oct 2023

CJB Notes: I love this artwork. I had to work for weeks to transform the original AI text to image first draft into what I felt was right. I will never get over how amazing it is that the words of a poem can (combined) generate an image for me to work with. I personally think the likes of Picasso and DaVinci would have loved the digital ability to explore the unlimited realities digital art provides. As for the poem, this came to me in one hit but it took weeks to finalise the exact wording until I was satisfied. The main purpose I wanted both the artwork and poem to give the viewer is the knowledge that they shouldn't worry, there is no need to feel down, the world we live in does have amazing potential and there is room for everyone to reach theirs.

Bonus Artwork:

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